Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Oh my what a day I am having! It really isn't as bad as others but I just want to pull my hair out! It all started with Emma waking up with poop ALL over her crib... She is the kind of baby that doesn't cry when she is messy, so she just sat in it and waited for me to wake up I guess...
Anyway, then I give her a bath and of course Levi has to get in too... Which is fine I guess, it gets it out of the day early.
I come downstairs to get Danny ready for work, like make his lunch and start his truck and stuff that wives do, because husbands aren't capable of doing things like that themselves. They would just go to work and starve to death if it wasn't for us wives. Right?
After I get Danny off to work, I make breakfast for the kids. Then check my facebook while the kids are eating... lol I look on my desk and I realized that I still haven't sent off Corbin's Pen-Pal letter.(I was supposed to send it before Christmas) Sorry Becca!!! So now it is a little outdated so I am going to have Corbin write a new one. I am sick to my stomach at this point. I feel horrible!
My mom calls me a little later and her dog Charlie that my brother and I grew up with has died this morning. I was very sad. So now I get to tell my children that their favorite dog has died... Wow what a wonderful way start to a day!
I get Alyssa off to school and turn cartoons on for the babies, so I can get the house cleaning done. Which is a never ending story! I have been trying to get it done, and it seems like I am going backwards. When I am putting clothes away, I come back to the living room and Emma has thrown all of my folded clothes all over the living room. I am tempted to just jam everything into my closet and dresser not folded because I have to fold them three times just to get them in there...
After that I vacuum the living room, and as I am putting the vacuum away Emma has gotten a whole bag of Goldfish and is doing a rain dance on them trying to jam them into the carpet. Oh my I could go on and on! When Alyssa gets home from school it takes me hours to get her to do her homework and by the time she gets it done it is time for her to go to bed. I wish she would just get it done when I ask her to so she can spend some time with the family. She literally has 5 minutes of homework... Drives me crazy.
Why do they do the things they do? Why do they put the dirty silverware away in the silverware drawer? Why do the kids throw all my dishes and silverware away in the trash? Why do they jam Goldfish in the carpet? Why do they poop in the crib and rub it all over the bars and pillow and walls? Why does Levi tell me no on everything?
Because they are my little blessings. This is Heavenly Fathers way of making me stronger and a better mommy. I love my family even on days like today. I am so blessed to have what I do, and I know that it could be way worse.
I am proud of everyone in my family! I love you guys very much!

Love Always,


Stevens Journey said...

Thank you so much for your post. You don't know what it did for me. I read the part about days like this come from Heavenly Father to help make us stronger. I really needed that reminder so thank you.

KellyAnn said...

Actually, I almost couldn't get past the part that you go out and start the truck for Danny. He is one lucky guy. I am too lazy.
Just yesterday I was thinking, I would like to be a fly on the wall of other mothers and their kids just to see if their life is as hectic as mine. Thank you. I feel a WHOLE LOT better!

Jen said...


You're an awesome Mommy. And good for you for seeing the "bigger picture". Sometimes, it's just hidden underneath poop!

Christie said...

sorry for your bad day....I have too many poop stories to count so I can feel your pain!
I must say that you are crazy and if word gets back to my hubby that you make lunches and start his truck for Danny, he may leave me so shhhhhh don't tell,lol
I have decided that you must have bad, even really bad days to appreciate the good ones!
Hope you catch a break =)

Chad, Mindy and girls said...

Katie, Katie...you start your husband's truck?!? Are you crazy? :) Every mother understands your frustrations (and it's definately okay to vent!) just remember to smile and laugh because what else are you gonna do?!? I keep thinking that someday I'm going to get back at my girls by telling these stories in front of their friends ;) hehe

SDstephaniedaviesphotography said...

Sounds like your day was a whopper! I love the ending though. Some days its hard to get past the AGHHH factor and just remember what a blessing it is to just BE a mom. Ditto on the lunch and truck thing, I make Ty's lunch if he's lucky. Our trip is great and yes Vail is pretty neat. You guys ought to swing over there and check it out.