Monday, January 19, 2009

Update on our family

I know it is a little late but, better late than never, right? Our family has been doing great! Danny got a promotion at the beginning of the year, he is "Dan, Dan the Safety man". He loved driving new trucks but now he is really enjoying driving new pick-up trucks... He is working on a very important job for RNI right now, He is working very hard. He did take a pretty big pay cut but I think it is totally worth having him home every night at a decent hour and home every weekend. He has worked very hard to be where he is right now. I am very proud of him!
My life hasn't changed much in the last year. Just taking care of babies, and cleaning house. The story of my life.
Skyler is doing so well. I can't believe he is almost 14. Crazy! If you didn't know the boys are living with us half of the time. Since we have been doing this, Skyler's grades have been amazing, he is getting all A's and B's... We are so very proud of him. He started playing the guitar this year and he is a natural. He is amazing. This Christmas he was playing Christmas songs for us around the tree. It was very special!
Corbin is doing just as well. He just turned 10 in December. It seems just like yesterday when I met Danny and he was just 14 months old... He is so good with his little brother and sister Levi and Emma. He is going to make a wonderful daddy one day.
Alyssa is such an angel. She is in the first grade this year and she loves going to school. On the weekends she is asking when she can go back to school to see her friends and learn. She just started a dance and singing class called Sunshine Generation. It is so much fun. She just loves to sing and dance.
Levi is an amazing child. He is definitely here in our lives for a reason. Whether it is to drive us crazy or melt our hearts, he does both. Him and Emma are the best of friends, they are blessed to have each other. Levi is really starting to talk. Now that he knows that he can communicate better he is such a little jabber mouth! We love him so very much!
Emma is getting so big. She is almost 1 1/2 years old. She is already so mature in her own ways and she is almost talking as well as Levi. (they are 17 months apart) Sometimes it feels like I have twins. She just learned how to say I love you!. It is so special, She will look at you and say "I YOU" Oh I love her so much!
Well that is everyone. We are so blessed, and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for the blessings he has given us. Wow what an amazing life we have.


Chad, Mindy and girls said...

Your family is so cute! 14 must be OLD! :)

Richards Family said...

It is great to hear how your family is doing. I can't believe that Emma is almost 18 months! It goes by so fast doesn't it?

SDstephaniedaviesphotography said...

I can't believe how much your kids have grown! Its good to hear the boys are doing so well. Emma is a cutie. I forget she's older than Truxton. I can't believe how fast time has gone. A couple more months and I'll have another one. :o) HOpe you are well.

Becca said...

I didn't realize yo uhad older kids! How fun they sound!!!

DeLoy and Heidi Brady said...

Wow- you are so awesome! I think that you guys are so good for those kids. How is W. W. going? I love it- it's the best thing that has happened to me. I love it so much. We have awesome members in Altamont and Duchesne.